Plus being bloodlusted would only make the Sith duo stronger. Round Three: A bit tricky, Luke can be downright scary when he's angry, but for Anakin it's more a liability when he his angry as it exacerbates his already reckless tendencies. Round Two: Gonna have to give it to Revan and Nihilus, Luke would probably be able to hold off Nihilus force abilities, but it would likely take up most of his concentration, while i feel Revan would outclass Anakin. I figure Nihilus would fight Luke to a standstill while Anakin fended off Revan, once Nihilus burned out Revan would find himself outmatched While Revan was most likely the most accomplished duelist of his time, Nihilus is mostly dependant on his energy absorption abilities, he's very physicaly strong, but only as long as his hunger can be sated. Round One: Both Anakin and Luke would probably win if we are going off of EU Luke.