Makes a window stay on top of all other windows. TransColor: Makes all pixels of the chosen color invisible inside the target window.Transparent: Makes a window semi-transparent.Region: Changes the shape of a window to be the specified rectangle, ellipse, or polygon.
Sub-commandsįor SubCommand, specify one of the following: ExcludeText Windows whose text include this value will not be considered. ExcludeTitle Windows whose titles include this value will not be considered. Hidden text elements are detected if DetectHiddenText is ON. WinText If present, this parameter must be a substring from a single text element of the target window (as revealed by the included Window Spy utility). WinTitle A window title or other criteria identifying the target window.
WinSet, SubCommand, Value, WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText Parameters SubCommand, Value These are dependent upon each other and their usage is described below. Makes a variety of changes to the specified window, such as 'always on top' and transparency. WinSet - Syntax & Usage | AutoHotkey WinSet